Staged Campaign Thank Yous

Every single aspect of this campaign exceeded our every hope and expectation. We are still in a bit of shock from everything that has happened in the last week. This was three months in the making and it went by in a flash.

We'll post a recap in March with lots more info about how this all happened, we'll show you the original drawings, and give you all of the fun stats.

For now though, our favorite part, the thank yous!!!

All of our thanks to:

Everyone at CW+ and VFCC that made us feel so welcome and collaborated with us to make this run so smoothly.

The 500+ people that joined us from all over the world for this really special campaign. Your generosity was astounding. We loved hearing all of your reasons for joining, from casual fans of the show to hardcore fans that love these actors. From NHS staff to residents of South Wales just supporting their favorite Welshman. All of you showed up with enthusiasm, kindness, and unending patience while we struggled to keep up. You are all amazing.

Everyone that helped get the word out about this campaign and helped to guide people with questions while we were overwhelmed.

Everyone who gave to help us keep the campaign going when we hit our budget limits. Your contributions helped us raise thousands more and that willingness to jump in completely captures the spirit of what TWC is all about. We're all on this team.

To 2 very special friends of the project that wish to remain anonymous, but have given more than their share. Your generosity and support continues to blow us away. And to our good friend @thelasthomely for helping us stay afloat at the perfect time.

To all of our angel donors, you made sure every single person that signed up as a recipient received a package. That's incredible! @Cindy_C75, @RomanMollusc, Rachel-Louise, @LeslieSRitter, @madguida666, @ApolloJust, @LadyBismuth, @crowsinthe, @mmactire, @elizamaru_, @himboaziraphale, @cape_gurl, @Minuialeth, @Tyttas, Carol, @iiiihhhlookatme, @GneissShorts, @elderlysardine, and to the 5 that wished to remain anonymous, all of our love and thanks.

To Kari, for making New York happen.

To Maddie and Clo for getting these scans ready for production. For helping to turn Michael's drawing on the back of a yellow script into that glorious print it is today.

To everyone on the Operation Watermelon team. All of you played a critical part in making this happen. For all of the feedback, testing, debates, and research. For the endless support. Thank you. To the one who always wishes to remain anonymous. 

To The Writers' Room (TWR), for weeks of collaboration and laughter. Yes, we said it wouldn't be a huge commitment. Yes, we lied. Thank you for sticking with it anyway. To Rehza, for being game for everything we threw at her, for helping to write some really great lines, and for editing our videos like a pro.

To Dan and Alex for helping us with the missing piece.

And finally, the people that made this a reality, our artists:

Georgia - Thank you for jumping into this when it was just an idea and for dealing with google doc hell. And thank you for everything you did to help us reach a new audience.

David - Thank you for not saying no the second you saw that script and for being really, really great at improv. 

Anna - Thank you for making us laugh and for being endlessly kind, supportive, and enthusiastic about what we do. We’re not saying you’re more fun to work with than Michael but we’re not not saying that either.

Michael - Thank you doesn’t seem like enough and we’re having a really hard time putting into words what this has meant to us. So for now, to keep it simple, thank you for all of it.

the white curl

The two TWC admins/owners use this name


TWCxStaged Recap


Angel Donor Program