Wrapping up!
Last Friday we shipped our final package of the Michael Sheen campaign, just a touch over the 1 month mark from the time it launched! The road to that final package was 3 months in the making and, being the talkative person I am, I wanted to share how we got there and some interesting stats around how far this little doodle went!
We started the research process for this campaign in late June. The research was primarily centered around the products we could carry and how to maximize the quantities we could offer while still staying within our shipping budget. Huge shout out to everyone that participated in our product survey, you helped guide what we ultimately chose to carry!
While that work was going on, our resident artist wisesnail worked on scanning the original drawing so a high-res digital version could be used on the products. We spent most of July and August receiving samples, procuring the necessary fundraising discounts for our bulk orders, working with the charities and Michael, creating the backend/ordering system, and working through the logistics of promoting and shipping it. All 3 resident artists were also putting the final touches on their bundle gifts and we can’t thank them enough for adding something extra special to this campaign.
Launch day was...a blur. We passed our previous fundraising record in under an hour and orders came in steadily for the entire day. Watching those numbers for Huggard and Llamau tick up and up and spending my birthday being excited with everyone was so meaningful to me. The co-runner of this project, Annie, was here with me and I am so glad she came for it. We watched Michael’s video together and that’s easily one of my favorite memories of the day.
From launch to the close of the campaign window we met so many amazing people from 30 different countries and 29 different US states! It was our furthest reach yet and those numbers are incredibly exciting for us. Even more exciting is the 230 envelopes and packages we sent to all of those far off places and seeing everyone’s excitement and love on the timeline when they received theirs. Here’s our most shipped to places for this campaign:
We hope you’ll keep coming back, we have so much coming and more special campaigns in the future for the charities we support. Next week you can find members of Team TWC running a booth at The Ineffable Con and we’ll have some giveaways lined up! Come say hello :)
As for the original drawing, it now safely resides at TWC headquarters. It’s a cherished little envelope that helped raise £6,420 for Huggard and Llamau.